Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Survey asking girls how can guys make girl friends here are few replies....

well im a girl n MOST girls luv it wen a guys themselves evn though it doesn seem that way cuz u guys usually start cursin at tha most random stuff ....n try 2 b talkative n strike up any conversation bcuz sum girls wouldnt no wat 2 say...theyre nervous 2!! n espacially wen ur tha 1 hu asked HER OUT ...then u SHOULD no wat ur doin lol ok n u needa show her that ur loyal, not a cheater n show her just everythin u have in u...just dont talk bout any x'z

well what my boyfriend did ;
he came to me with a rose and said that "i was just showing the rose that their are fairies on earth too"
well it worked for him and we are having a relationship it might work for u too!!!!!!!!!

When you meet someone you're interested in, make eye contact, then, conversation, and ask her on a date! Do NOT get too comfortable, thinking she's your new therapist and then fall into the "friend" category. Treat her like an amazing woman you think she is and kiss her after. Call in 2 days instead of three. do NOT get too attached in the first 3 months. Stay intersting by having your own life, but care about her as well. Be sincere and charming. Sense of humor won't hurt either :) Good luck!

Forget talking. What women/girls really want, is someone who will listen to them and won't pressure them to behave in ways that they are uncomfortable with/be people that they aren't.

Introduce yourself by asking a question (like if you are in a class together, say "Do you find this class as frustrating as I do? I understand the material, but the teacher drives me bonkers."). Give them a chance to respond, and then extend your hand and say "Hi, my name is ___."

Then you've gotten your foot in the door. They know who you are, they know you are interested in what they have to say, you;ve been polite, and you've presented yourself in a non-threatening manner.

If they don't talk to you within a couple of more days, they might not like you, but they might also just be shy. Smile at them from time to time if they catch your eye, offer to help them when you can or ask if they might help you and thank them for their kindness--telling them that it's nice to meet someone pretty, intelligent, AND helpfull.

If you are in a close space together, don't stare or dominate them with your body, ask questions and listen to them talk about their lives. Be sympathetic and make light jokes about the situations and people they don't like. Say to them, "You know what? You're okay--in fact, I really like you. I'm not the best at making friends or talking to women, but you make me feel like I can be myself." (Women appreciate a man who is honest, who will communicate with them, and who values them above other women).

From then on, play it by ear.

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